Original Articles

Secondary demantia case following suicide attempted by hanging: a follow-up for one year

Alpha Psychiatry 2011; 12: 304-306
Read: 784 Downloads: 490 Published: 01 August 2011

Hanging is one of the methods that have the highest mortality rate among other suicide attempts. In the unsuc-cessful hanging attempts morbidity is usually severe. As a result of hanging, the cerebral blood flow is interrupted due to the acute occlusion of the vertebral arteries and, hypoxic encephalopathy develops due to the reduction in oxygen and glucose support of the brain parenchyma. Several psychiatric signs, primarily cognitive disorders, reveal with respect to the time of hypoxia and to the affected brain regions. In this article, we aimed to discuss a case with defect in the cognitive area have been developed after a suicide attempt by hanging and who did not abnormal brain imaging findings until the eighth month. [Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2011; 12(4.000): 304-306]

EISSN 2757-8038