Original Articles

Type D personality, childhood traumas, depression, anxiety, and impulsivity in individuals attempting suicide


Kars Harakani Devlet Hastanesi,Psikiyatri Klinigi,Merkez,Kars


Amasya Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Acil Tip Anabilimdali Merkez Amasya


Aydin Devlet Hastanesi Psikiyatri Klinigi,Merkez,Aydin


Kafkas Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Psikiyatri Anabilimdali,Merkez,Kars

Alpha Psychiatry 2018; 19: 551-558
DOI: 10.5455/apd.294660
Read: 1401 Downloads: 733 Published: 01 December 2018

Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between sociodemographic characteris-tics, anxiety, depression, impulsiveness, childhood traumas, Type D personality and suicide attempt in individuals, who applied with a suicide attempt and followed up after hospitalization or as outpatient and to determine the related risk factors. Methods: Total 91 individuals (46 individuals, who attempted suicide and 45 individuals as the control group) were included in the study. Sociodemographic Data Form, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Type D Personality Scale (DS14), Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) and Barratt Impulsive-ness Scale (BIS11) were carried out for each participant. Results: Considering the sociodemographic data, there was no significant difference between the patient and control group in respect of the age and marital status. On the other hand, we detected a significant difference between the groups regarding employment status, educational level, history of mental disorder. The comparison of the groups showed a significant difference in DS14, negative affectivity, social inhibition, BDI, BAI, BIS11 and CTQ scores. The childhood traumas (OR=1.51 and type D persona-lity (OR=1.21 were risk factors for the suicide attempt. Discussion: The results of our study indicated that childhood traumas and type D personality may have a direct correlation with the suicide risk. Considering the determination of the risk suicide-related risk factors, we believe our study may contribute to the literature in respect of the devel- opment of the preventive mental health politics for the decrease or prevention of the suicide attempts. [Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2018; 19(6.000): 551-558]

EISSN 2757-8038