Original Articles

The sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the psychiatric emergency patients with 60 years or older

Alpha Psychiatry 2012; 13: 24-31
Read: 721 Downloads: 499 Published: 01 February 2012

Objective: In our research, it was aimed to establish the sociodemographic and the clinical characteristics of the patients over the age of 60 who were admitted to the psychiatric emergency department of Bakirkoy Research and Training Hospital as well as the utilization of the emergency department and the gender differences between them. Methods: Eight hundred and seventy-one patients who were admitted to the psychiatric emergency unit between 1st June 2008 and 1st June 2009 were evaluated retrospectively with the medical records and computer based data. Results: Sixty years or older patients were turned out to be the 8.2% of all patients admitted to the psychiatric emergency unit during that period of time. 59.4% of the group was female, and the mean age of women was 68.7 men’s was 69.0. Being uneducated, divorced and admitted with family members were at higher rates within women. On the other hand the rates of being graduated from primary school, married and admitted the emergency unit by themselves were higher in men. The women were more distressed and complained more about somatic symptoms as the men turned out to show more physical and /or verbal violence and psychotic symptoms. Women were more likely diagnosed with psychotic disorders, dementia and bipolar mood disorders. Hospitalization rates were significantly higher in men’s group. The rate of the antidepressant prescriptions was higher for women and for men it turned out to be antipsychotics. Twice or more admissions to psychiatric emer-gency service in one year was 19.9% of all. Result: The older population is growing as the average life time is getting longer. Determining the characteristics of psychiatric emergency service admissions of older patients is important the assessing psychiatric, medical and social needs of this special group. In our study it is established that the admission rates to psychiatry emergency service amongst women are higher and they are more likely admitting with distress and somatic complaints. They are more likely diagnosed with depression and anxiety disor-ders and they are less likely hospitalized than men. [Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2012; 13(1.000): 24-31]

EISSN 2757-8038