Original Articles

The frequency of childhood trauma and relationship with psychopathology in psychiatric patients

Alpha Psychiatry 2011; 12: 130-136
Read: 860 Downloads: 559 Published: 01 April 2011

Objective: Abuse is considered as a risk factor for psychiatric disorders. In this study, we aimed to determine the frequency and risk factors of childhood emotional, physical, and sexual in psychiatric outpatient population and compare the diagnostic groups in terms of these factors. Methods: In this cross-sectional, and descriptive epidemiologic study 183 patients whom accept to participate was enrolled in the study. Inclusion criteria is being aged between 15 and 67, diagnosed by DSM-IV (SCID) psychiatric disorder other than mental retardation and psychiatric disorder due to general medical condition. Childhood Trauma Questionnaire and a survey including sociodemografic characteristics and features of abuse were applied by an interview. Results: Of the sample 65.7% (n=117) reported at least one and 6.1% (n=11) reported all three childhood emotional, physical and sexual abuse. The frequency of emotional and physical neglect was %81.6 (n=146) and %72.1(n=129). Whilst the reported emotional abuse was significantly more prevalent only in anxiety disorders, the distribution of other abuse types were similar in diagnostic groups. The group reported sexual abuse had statistically significant higher alcohol-substance abuse/dependence and suicide rates. When we examine family risk factors, low parent education, in families that has interparental violence and in the group which reported being separated from parents because of migration, education and divorce, had significant higher rates of abuse. Discussion: The high prevalence of abuse in psychiatric patients, especially in mood and anxiety disorders is pointing at the need for development of preventative approaches. The rate of abuse is higher if there is violation between parents and/or the child is separated from parents for a long time. Because of this precausatory measures, togetherness of parent-child and decreasing family violence have to be obtained for protecting children. [Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2011; 12(2.000): 130-136]

EISSN 2757-8038