Original Articles

Examination of the relationship between emotional stability, personality and procrastination tendency on women employees


FSM Vakif Universitesi Edebiyat Fakultesi Psikoloji Bolumu

Alpha Psychiatry 2018; 19: 21-28
DOI: 10.5455/apd.236425
Read: 1557 Downloads: 706 Published: 01 February 2018

Objective: Many of the studies that are conducted on the relationship between personality traits and procrastination that were carried out on students and their academic procrastination reported that the distribution of emotional stability scores on procrastination scores were parabolic. In this study, the relationship between personality traits and procrastination, and the distribution of emotional stability factor scores on procrastination scores were examined on working women. Methods: The Procrastination Scale and the Five Factor Personality Inventory Short Form were administered to 512 working women between the ages of 18 to 60 years. Results: The correlation coefficients calculated between total scores of the Procrastination Scale and factor scores were as follows: -0.17 for extra-version, -0.37 for agreeableness, -0.61 for conscientiousness, 0.50 for emotional instability, and -0.28 for openness to experience. Factor scores of the Personality Inventory explained 0.57% of the variance of the procrastination scores. The factors of conscientiousness and emotional instability made the largest contribution in predicting procrastination scores. Except for the extraversion factor scores there were differences in the remaining four groups’ factor scores when the procrastination scores were considered. Those receiving low procrastination score received the highest score on agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness to experience factors. Those receiving high procrastination score received the lowest total factor scores. For the emotional instability factor, the group scoring low on procrastination received the lowest; the group scoring high on procrastination received the highest factor score. No evidence was obtained about the parabolic distribution of emotional stability factor on the procrastination score. Discussion: Results showed that there was a strong relationship between personality traits and procrastination level in working women. Although there is a strong relationship between emotional stability and procrastination, it is not clear how it occurs. [Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2018; 19(1.000): 21-28]

EISSN 2757-8038