Kleine-Levin Syndrome (KLS) is a rare and frequently misdiagnosed disorder with typical onset at adolescence and a male dominance that is presented with hypersomnia, hyperphagia, dysinhibitated behavior and perceptive abnormalities. Even though increasing number of researches have been conducted to shed a light on its etiology, no clear underlying mechanism have yet been identified. Similar to relatively small information about etiology of the disorder, no specific treatment technique has been identified to successfully eliminate the phenomenon; however treatment options that target symptom relief and decline in frequency of episodes have been present. This case report aimed to present the clinical course of a 12 year old adolescent with KLS who was successfully treated with a combination of carbamazepine and short- acting methylphenidate that was used during episodes, along with discussion of relevant literature. [Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2018; 19(1.000): 95-98]