Original Articles

Development and Evaluation of the “Eating More Consciously” Module of a Lifestyle Intervention Program to Prevent Medication-Induced Weight Gain in Psychiatric Patients: A One-Arm Pilot Study


Department of Psychiatry und Psychotherapy, LMU Klinikum, München, Germany


IFT Institut für Therapieforschung, Centre for Mental Health and Addiction Research, Munich, Germany


Oberberg Fachklinik Bad Tölz, Bad Tölz, Germany

Alpha Psychiatry 2024; 25: 737-745
DOI: 10.5152/alphapsychiatry.2024.241718
Read: 252 Downloads: 125 Published: 13 December 2024

Objective: Overweight and obesity are health issues that are increasing worldwide. Patients with severe mental illness are particularly vulnerable for various reasons, includ- ing the intake of weight gain-associated drugs. In this pilot study, we targeted eating behavior as a predictor for medication-induced weight gain and developed a module of a prevention program (“Eating More Consciously”) to be evaluated by psychiatric inpatients.

Methods: Thirty-three patients participated in a behaviorally oriented group therapy program with 2 modules of 120 minutes each and weekly follow-up measurements over 4 weeks. Measures included weight, laboratory parameters, the German versions of the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire (Fragebogen Essverhalten; FEV) and the Food Craving Inventory (FCI) as well as a questionnaire on the implementation of the strategies in every- day life.

Results: Thirty-three participants completed both modules and felt that they had bene- fited from the module “Eating More Consciously.” Fragebogen Essverhalten domain “cog- nitive restraint” scores increased significantly throughout the study (P = .039), and the FCI sum score decreased significantly (P = .003).

Conclusion: We propose that the “Eating More Consciously” module is a promising approach to behavioral intervention in weight management in patients with severe men- tal illness. Prospective randomized controlled studies with a larger sample and a longer follow-up are needed.

Cite this article as: Glocker C, Simon MS, Adler N, Eder J, Barton BB, Musil R. Development and evaluation of the “eating more consciously” module of a lifestyle intervention program to prevent medication-induced weight gain in psychiatric patients: A one-arm pilot study. Alpha Psychiatry. 2024;25(6):737-745.

EISSN 2757-8038