Original Articles

Cyberbullying in adolescents, the effect of internet parenting styles and family functioning


Darica Farabi Devlet Hastanesi Cocuk-Ergen Ruh Sagligi ve Hastaliklari Birimi, Kocaeli, Turkiye

Alpha Psychiatry 2018; 19: 397-404
DOI: 10.5455/apd.282841
Read: 1485 Downloads: 764 Published: 01 August 2018

Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the features of cyberbullying and the relationship between cyber-bullying and internet parental style, and family characteristics. Methods: The participants were given Sociode-mographic Data Form, Cyber Bully/Victim Scale, Internet Parenting Styles Scale and the Family Evaluation Scale. The Sociodemographic Data Form includes questions about marital status, health status, educational level of parents, disciplinary punishment, smoking-alcohol consumptions, internet-mobile phone usage and methods of coping with cyberbullying. The cyberbully/victim scale allows determining whether they are subjected to a cyberbullying and/or victimization and if so, what kind of a bullying they are exposed or applied. The Internet Parenting Scale allows, such as laissez-faire/authoritarian/authoritative/permissive attitudes, to assess how parents approach to adolescents internet usage. Family Evaluation Scale enables assessment of successes and failures of family func-tions in problem solving, communication, roles, emotional reaction capability, capacity of showing interest, behavior control, general functions areas. 386 adolescents, between the ages of 12-14 (6th-8th grades) were taken to study. Results: It is determined that 153 of the adolescents were cyber victims, 93 of the adolescents were bullies, and 78 of the adolescents were bullies and victims. Cyberbullying and/or victimization is found significantly related to disciplinary punishment, threatening/to be threatened, involving in a fight, smoking-alcohol consumption, internet/ mobile phone usage, and psychiatric treatment. The attitudes of families towards internet usage of adolescents and family functioning are also found related to cyberbullying and/or victimization. Conclusion: It is observed that there is a small number of studies examining cyberbullying and internet parenting style and family functioning in the literature of cyberbullying. However, it is thought that the right attitudes of adolescents to the usage of the internet and positive relationships with adolescents can prevent or be effective in coping with cyberbullying. [Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2018; 19(4.000): 397-404]

EISSN 2757-8038