Original Articles

Comparison of posttraumatic stress disorder symptom profile according to sexual and non-sexual trauma types


HTA Noropsikiyatri Center


Gulhane Tip Fakultesi, Psikiyatri Ana Bilim Dali

Alpha Psychiatry 2019; 20: 470-476
DOI: 10.5455/apd.21884
Read: 1530 Downloads: 748 Published: 01 October 2019

Objective: It is known that the underlying trauma may be related to the remission and symptom severity of the disease in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Studies have shown that PTSD patients exposed to sexual trauma experience higher, more severe and permanent PTSD symptoms than those exposed to other types of trauma. However, as far as we know there is no study comparing sexual trauma with non-sexual trauma in Turkey. In this study, it was aimed to investigate differences in trauma types and symptom severity in PTSD patients. Methods: The sample of the study consisted of 76 consecutive volunteer PTSD patients who 29 patients developed after sexual trauma and 47 patients developed after non-sexual trauma, whose diagnosis was confirmed by two psychi-atrists. The researchers collected the data of the research by applying the Clinician-Applied Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Scale (CAPS) and forms including the Sociodemographic Form, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (UAE) and Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES). Results: Thirty-eight (50%) of the patients included in the study with the diagnosis of PTSD were 38 (50%). The mean age of the participants was 32.66±8.27 years. A statistically significant difference was found between the two groups in terms of age and gender. In addition, there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of application types, duration untreat-ment period, BDI, DES, CAPS-avoidance or blunting, CAPS-Hyper arousal and CAPS-total scores. Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that the likelihood of applying PTSD after sexual trauma and CAPS total score were predictive. Conclusion: Patients who developed PTSD after sexual trauma had more severe symptoms than patients with PTSD after non-sexual trauma, long-term admission for treatment, although the admission period is longer and was discussed in the light of the literature. [Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2019; 20(5.000): 470-476]

EISSN 2757-8038