Original Articles

Anxiety-Promoting Parenting Behaviors in Adolescents with Social Anxiety: Controlled with a Non-Clinical Sample


Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Kyrenia, Kyrenia, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus


Department of Psychiatry, The Bilkent Integrated Healthcare Campus - Ankara City Hospital, Ankara, Turkey


Boylam Psychiatric Hospital, Ankara, Turkey


Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bozok, Yozgat, Turkey


Department of Psychiatry, University of Health Sciences Dışkapı Yıldırım Beyazıt Training and Research Hospital, Ankara,Turkey

Alpha Psychiatry 2022; 23: 184-192
DOI: 10.5152/alphapsychiatry.2022.21340
Read: 1518 Downloads: 671 Published: 29 June 2022

Background: The majority of research on parenting behaviors in social phobia has been conducted with mother–child dyads, but there is still a gap in current knowledge about the role of fathers’ parenting behaviors and adolescence period. This study focuses on the role of parent gender, parental attitudes, and familial factors in an adolescent population.

Methods: Our study sample consisted of adolescents diagnosed with social phobia (n = 60), healthy non-clinical adolescents (n = 30), and the parents of adolescents with social pho- bia (n = 46) and non-clinical adolescents (n = 30). A Sociodemographic Information Form, Family Interview Inventory, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale, Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale, and The Parent Attitude Research Instrument were administered to all groups.

Results: The parents of adolescents with social phobia have reported a higher overpro- tective mothering attitude when compared to parents of healthy adolescents (Pmother < .001 and Pfather = .009). The mothers’ overprotective parenting style and the fathers’ avoid- ance levels were found as predictive factors for adolescents’ social phobia in logistic regression analysis (respectively; exp(β) = 0.868 and P = .002; exp(β) = 0.927 and P = .017).

Conclusion: Our results indicate the necessity of considering both the parents in the research. We suggest that controlled prospective future studies on different ages, diag- nostic groups, and cultures, which will take the gender of both parents and patients into account, may reveal important data on the relation between parenting behaviors and social anxiety.

Cite this article as: Özkula G, Uğurlu M, Kuru E, Ferda Cengiz G, Örsel S. Anxiety- promoting parenting behaviors in adolescents with social anxiety: Controlled with a non-clinical sample. Alpha Psychiatry.2022;23(4):184-192.

EISSN 2757-8038