Original Article

Vestibular Evaluation of Children Diagnosed with Specific Learning Disorder


Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Inonu University, Turgut Özal Medical Center, Malatya, Turkey


Department of Audiology, Inonu University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Malatya, Turkey


Department of Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Diseases, Inonu University, Turgut Özal Medical Center, Malatya, Turkey


Department of Audiology, Bingol University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Bingöl, Turkey

Alpha Psychiatry 2023; 24: 211-216
DOI: 10.5152/alphapsychiatry.2023.221097
Read: 1207 Downloads: 459 Published: 05 October 2023

Objective: The aim of this study was to determine the vestibular function of children diagnosed with specific learning disorders (SLD).

Methods: This study was conducted with 30 children diagnosed with SLD and 30 healthy children matched for age and sex, and vestibular tests were applied.

Results: Optokinetic and head shake test values in videonystagmography subtests were found to be pathological in the study group, and the lateral asymmetry value in video head impulse test (v-HIT) was found to be significantly higher in the study group. Also, a significant difference was found in the N1 latency, P1-N1 interlatency, P1-N1 amplitude values in the cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential test, and asymmetry values in the ocular vestibular evoked myogenic potential test.

Conclusion: The current study showed that vestibular functions may differ from normal in SLD patients and that vestibular dysfunction may play a role in symptoms such as postural instability, balance, and gross and fine motor disorders that are frequently observed in these children.

Cite this article as: Demir İ, Uğur Cengiz D, Çalışkan Demir A, Can Çolak S, Demirel Birişik S, Özel Özcan Ö. Vestibular evaluation of children diagnosed with specific learning disorder. Alpha Psychiatry. 2023;24(5):211-216.

EISSN 2757-8038