Original Articles

Validation of Turkish Version of Premenstrual Symptoms Impact Survey™ (PMSIS™) for assessing status of premenstrual syndrome in women of reproductive age

Alpha Psychiatry 2015; 16: 205-211
DOI: 10.5455/apd.172033
Read: 1129 Downloads: 554 Published: 01 June 2015

Objective: We aimed to evaluate the reliability and validity of a Turkish adaptation of the Premenstrual Symptoms Impact Survey™ (PMSIS™), a six-question health survey that measures the impact of symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) on an individual’s functional health and well-being. Methods: The PMSIS™ was independently translated into Turkish and its adaptation to Turkish language was performed via back-translation. The reliability and validity of the PMSIS™ were examined with 63 women of reproductive age, found healthy during annual well-woman gynecologic examination. Premenstrual Syndrome Scale (PMSS), a Turkish questionnaire, was administered to assess the concurrent validity of the PMSIS™. For the assessment of survey data, the content validity, test-retest reliability, Cronbach’s alpha, concurrent validity, and construct validity tests were used. Results: The content validity index of the Turkish version of PMSIS™ was found as high (91%). After reliability analyses, the intra-class correlation coefficient between the PMSIS™ scores at the first and second assessments was 0.70, showing a good agreement between test and retest values; and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.89, indicating adequate and high internal consistency. Regarding the concurrent validity, the Pearson's correlation coefficient between the PMSIS™ (first assessment) and PMSS scores was 0.70 (p=0.001). Regarding the construct validity, factor analysis revealed that one dimension was found; and factor loading of items ranged from 0.74 t0 0.84 and total variant of scale was expressed as 65.1%. The PMSIS™ had a good concurrent and construct validities. Conclusions: The Turkish version of PMSIS™ has good reliability and validity properties. It is a reliable, consistent, and valid instrument to assess the status of PMS in women of reproductive age and the outcome of PMS treatment in Turkish population. [Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2015; 16(3.000): 205-211]

EISSN 2757-8038