Original Articles

The relationship between anger control, suicide behavior and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among outpatients with cannabis use

Alpha Psychiatry 2018; 19: 177-183
DOI: 10.5455/apd.273231
Read: 988 Downloads: 566 Published: 01 April 2018

Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between anger and anger styles, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder and suicidal behavior in individuals who have no substance use other than cannabis, and to assess whether there is a specific outcome of cannabis use in these individuals. Methods: Two hundred and forty-six male patients, aged between 18 and 65 years, who admitted to AMATEM Supervised Release Outpatient Clinic at Ankara Numune Training and Research Hospital because of cannabis use, were included in this study. The control group consisted of 116 healthy male volunteers. SCID-I and SCID-II interviews were conducted after the sociodemographic data was filled in by the participants. At the end of the interview, they were asked to fill in The State Trait Anger Expression Scale, Wender Utah Rating Scale and Suicide Behavior Questionnaire. Results: We found significant differences in subscales of Wender irritability, Wender depression, Wender behavioral problems/impulsivity, Wender attentional deficits between patient and control groups. Also we found significant differences Wender total score and Suicide Behavior Questionnaire total score between patient and control groups. Conclusion: Although we found a significant relationship between attention deficit, hyperactivity and suicidal behavior in cannabis use, we could not find any relationship between anger scores and cannabis use. Attention deficit and hyperactivity were confirmed in this study as a susceptibility factor in the use of cannabis. There is a significant relationship between cannabis use and suicidal behavior. [Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2018; 19(2.000): 177-183]

EISSN 2757-8038