Original Articles

The prevalence and risk factors of substance use among university students in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Alpha Psychiatry 2014; 15: 108-115
DOI: 10.5455/apd.157227
Read: 1222 Downloads: 656 Published: 01 April 2014

Objective: As the age starting using drugs decrease and drug use among young people increase, the prevention programs start to focus on young people who has become most important risk group. The purpose of this study is to determine the characteristics and risk factors for cigarette, alcohol and other psychoactive drug (OPD) use among university students in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Methods: A survey was administered to 1323 university students randomly chosen. The questionaire was designed to obtain data about socio-demographic characteristics of the students, the frequency of their cigarette-alcohol and OPD use and beliefs and attitudes of the students about substance use. Results: 398 (30.3%) of the students were from TRNC, 824 (62.7%) from Turkey and 92 (7.0%) from other countries. The life-time use of cigarette was 69.5% and boys smoked more than girls. Students from Turkey smoked cigarette significantly more often. Life-time use of any alcoholic beverages was 81.0% and the students from TRNC used alcohol significantly more than others. Life-time use of any illicit drug was 10.9% and the ratio was higher for boys. Life-time use of cigarette and life-time use of OPD and gender (being male) were found to be positively associated with the tendency to use illicit drugs. Conclusion: Repeating prevalence studies for substance use among university students at certain intervals will be helpful to follow the changes of substance use rates and determine the substances mostly preferred so that prevention programs can be planned more efficiently. OZET (Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2014; 15:108-115) Anahtar sozcukler: icme orani anlamli olarak daha yuksekti. Yasam boyu herhangi bir alkollu icecek kullanimi %81.0’di ve KKTC’li ogrenciler digerlerine [Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2014; 15(2.000): 108-115]

EISSN 2757-8038