Original Articles

Psychometric properties of the Turkish Versions of Perceived Deficit Questionnaire - Depression and British Columbia Cognitive Complaints Inventory


Celal Bayar Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Psikiyatri Anabilim Dali, Manisa


Celal Bayar Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Psikiyatri Anabilim Dali, Manisa


Manisa Ruh Sagligi ve Hastaliklari Hastanesi

Alpha Psychiatry 2017; 18: 224-230
DOI: 10.5455/apd.228537
Read: 1308 Downloads: 643 Published: 01 June 2017

Objective: In major depressive disorder, both during acute episode and in remission neurocognitive symptoms endure, but are underrated. The aim of this study is to demonstrate reliability and validity of the Turkish versions of Perceived Deficit Questionnaire - Depression (PDQ-D) and British Columbia Cognitive Complaints Inventory (BC-CCI) which are useful in the subjective assessment of neurocognitive symptoms in major depressive disorder. Methods: Turkish forms of the instruments are obtained after the translation and back-translation procedure. Thereafter, 50 in- or outpatients diagnosed with major depressive disorder, and 150 healthy volunteers for conducting the factor analyses and 68 healthy age- and education-matched controls for performing the group comparisons were included in the study. Beside the study instruments, Digital Symbol Substitution Test (DSST) used in the objective assessment of neurocognitive symptoms is applied. Results: The mean age of major depressive disorder group (n=50) was 37.5±11.4 and of healthy control group for the factor analyses was 23.4±5.5 and of that for the group comparisons was 35.4±9.9. Cronbach alpha coefficient of BC-CCI was 0.93 and item-total score correlation coefficients were between 0.69-0.85. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of PDQ-D was 0.96 and item-total score correlation coefficients were between 0.52-0.91. In the factor analysis of both instruments, one factor solution was obtained. The correlation between BC-CCI and DSST was r=0.40, and for PDQ-D it was r=0.41. Both BC-CCI and PDQ-D significantly differentiated major depressive disorder group from healthy control groups. Conclusion: These results suggest that the Turkish forms of Perceived Deficit Questionnaire - Depression (PDQ-D) and British Columbia Cognitive Complaints Inventory (BC-CCI) are practical in the assessment of neurocognitive symptoms of major depressive disorder and can be used reliably and validly both in studies and in daily practice. [Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2017; 18(3.000): 224-230]

EISSN 2757-8038