Original Articles

Predictors of psychosocial functionality in obese women


Kocaeli Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Hastanesi, Psikiyatri ABD, Kocaeli Kocaeli Universitesi Toplum Ruh Sagligi Birimi


FSM Tip Merkezi, Istanbul


Kutahya Dumlupinar Universitesi Tip Fakultesi, Psikiyatri ABD, Kutahya


Kocaeli Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Hastanesi, Psikiyatri ABD, Kocael


Kocaeli Universitesi Tip Fakultesi Hastanesi, Psikiyatri ABD, Kocaeli

Alpha Psychiatry 2019; 20: 145-152
DOI: 10.5455/apd.302104
Read: 1094 Downloads: 652 Published: 01 April 2019

Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the level of depression, self-esteem, body satisfaction and quality of life in obese women as well as the predictors of psychosocial functionality. Methods: The study group consisted of 110 obese women participating in a diet and exercise program held in Kocaeli University Faculty of Medicine. Beck Depression Inventory, Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale, Body Satisfaction Scale and Obesity Related Problems Scale were used. Weight and height measurements were done using a calibrated digital scale and a height scale. Results: Psychosocial functionality of the study group was found to be moderately deteriorated and it showed signi-ficant relationship with depression, self-esteem and body dissatisfaction but not with BMI. In the linear regression model, in addition to self-esteem and body dissatisfaction, educational status of the obese women were determined as the predictors for psychosocial functionality. Discussion: Self-esteem, depression and body satisfaction are all concepts that are intertwined in obese individuals. In conclusion this study shows that body satisfaction and self-esteem were more important for psychosocial function of obese women, rather than BMI per se. The severe deterio-ration of psychosocial functionality of obese women with a higher educational status might well be related to more exposure to stigmatization and discrimination as a result of taking a more active role in society. There is a need for future studies where stigmatization is also investigated as a triggering cause of body dissatisfaction and low self-esteem, thus leading to a decrease in quality of life. [Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2019; 20(2.000): 145-152]

EISSN 2757-8038