Original Articles

Memory disorder and epilepsia occurred after head trauma:a case report

Alpha Psychiatry 2011; 12: 233-236
Read: 756 Downloads: 470 Published: 01 June 2011

Head trauma is the one of the etiological factors of the several neurological and psychiatric disorders. Neurological and psychiatric disorders have many common features by means of clinical symptomatology and pathogenesis. Temporal lobe is an important brain region for emotional disorders, most of the epileptical and memory disorders originated from the problems about this part. In this case report we will present a 52 years old male patient who started to experience long term and short term memory problems and exacerbation of amnesia in addition to orientation loss for two days in every month after a serious head trauma. According to an electroensefalographical record performed during an episode we discovered that he has complex partial seizure. We will discuss the possible explanations for his memory disorder and amnesia episodes [Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2011; 12(3.000): 233-236]

EISSN 2757-8038