Original Articles

Factors affecting the level of social anxiety among medical students, parental bonding and adult attachment styles

Alpha Psychiatry 2013; 14: 310-317
DOI: 10.5455/apd.36697
Read: 1264 Downloads: 664 Published: 01 August 2013

Objective: In this research, the relationships between social anxiety levels and sociodemographic data and between parental perception and adult attachment types were examined and studied among medical students. Methods: The search-algorithm is made up of the students who were educated at Celal Bayar University, Medicine Faculty between the years 2008-2009. Those who completely filled in the scales and who did not meet the exclusion standards were 398, who formed the sample of this study and Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS), Sociodemographic information questionnaire, Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI), Relationship Scale Questionnaire (RSQ), were applied on this sample group. In the analyses of the data, achieved through this study, t test, variance analysis (one-way ANOVA, post-hoc assessment Bonferony) Kruskal Wallis, Mann Whitney U tests and Pearson correlation test were used. Results: Some important relationships between sociodemographic variances and the level of social anxiety have been determined. There were significant correlations between social anxiety levels and some of sociodemographic data. Social fear and avoidance levels of LSAS negatively correlated with the care/control, overprotection dimensions and total scores of PBI, Social fear and avoidance levels of LSAS were negatively correlated with secure attachment style, positively correlated with preoccupied and fearful attachment styles. Conclusion: Some of the risk factors and binding properties of parents and adult attachment styles are associated with social anxiety. Prevention of and treatment of social anxiety should be considered. [Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2013; 14(4.000): 310-317]

EISSN 2757-8038