Original Articles

An analysis of the relation between marital satisfaction and maternal bonding


Ankara Universitesi Saglik Bilimleri Fakultesi Cocuk Gelisimi Bolumu


Cankiri Karatekin Universitesi Saglik Yuksekokulu Cocuk Gelisimi Bolumu


Cankiri Karatekin Universitesi Saglik Yuksekokulu Hemsirelik Bolumu

Alpha Psychiatry 2017; 18: 129-138
DOI: 10.5455/apd.231562
Read: 1184 Downloads: 558 Published: 01 April 2017

Objective: The purpose of this study is to test the hypothesis that mothers with high marital satisfaction have high maternal attachment. Methods: The sample of the study consisted of 114 volunteer mothers who applied to the maternity and pediatrics departments of the state hospital in Cankiri province. The data were collected by ‘Mother Information Form’, ‘Maternal Attachment Inventory’, and ‘Married Life Scale'. Findings: The results show that the mothers who got married at the age of 31 or later and themselves and their spouses are high school graduates have a significantly high maternal bonding level, whereas in the case where the mothers themselves and their spouses are university graduates, are employed, and who share childcare responsibilities with their spouses have a marital satisfaction that is significantly high; and those whose financial income is greater than their costs, who share the housework with their spouses, who had a friendship phase with their spouses prior to the marriage, who had never been exposed to violence by their spouses, whose pregnancies were planned, who held their babies in their arms in the first 30 minutes following the birth, and who had a baby with the gender they desired have both maternal bonding and marital satisfaction levels that are significantly high (p [Anadolu Psikiyatri Derg 2017; 18(2.000): 129-138]

EISSN 2757-8038